Monday, June 19, 2006

An Update

So I've been in Oman for a few days, and its been good. Incredibly I feel thinner (I guess, since Im leading a less active lifestyle, Im eating less), more lethargic (unsurprisingly), and less interested in being online. But I havent gotten completely lethargic: yes I watch 2 or 3 matches of football a day, but I've been keeping myself busy with other stuff as well. All in all haven't had too much free time on my hands, and thats a good thing.

People keep asking me how I find the weather. Hello people, I've lived in this country for 18 years before leaving! :p Just because I've been gone 6 months doesnt mean I've forgotten! I dont think you can ever forget anyway. But to answer that question, I like it. Its humid, not as hot as I remember, but its a nice change. I dont mind being outside - as long as you're ready to sweat, its cool.

Mmm. Haven't seen any of my friends, save one. Not too interested. Might see a couple more in a few days though - u9ool and all. But nah, its not just that, I do want to see them. I dont miss them as such, but theyre fun people I guess. And they've changed from being abroad, as have I. It would be good to see just how much, and for the better or worse. Its funny; maybe its just because I've changed, but those who've been abroad Im interested in seeing, while those who stayed here, well, I'm sort of not bothered with. We've grown distant, they havent tried to keep in contact, and well, I guess that does it. Its better this way. I dont have too much time on my hands right now, and I'd like to spend most of it with family, as I tend to neglect them I guess.

World Cup Fever is hittin' hard. Up until the Czech Ghana game, there were no surprises, but that game (an AWESOME game), followed by the Italy USA game proved that there is still some surprises left. African football is reaching maturity I think. Ghana and the Ivory Coast were an absolute pleasure to watch. While the Ivory Coast were unlucky enough to be put in the group of death, Ghana has proven themselves with that amazing win over the Czech Republic. They outclassed them in every way, pure and simple. They were faster, more creative, better passing, tighter at the back, and more lethal. But Petr Cech, the Czech keeper, was like a demon guarding the gates of hell. He was the only reason that Czech didnt lose by a more embarassing margin of 5 or 6 to zero. Wallahi embarassing, but a lovely match.

Ivory Coast's matches so far were pure pleasure to watch too. They were unfortunate to go down 2-0 in the beginning of the match against Holland, but they fought back well. Van Persie played good for the Dutch, while Robben (star of the last Dutch match) did almost nothing. So it was a good match for the Dutch too.

Personally, I'm supporting England. I wasnt sure who I was supporting after that, but there were a bunch of teams I was loosely supporting to win: Holland, Czech, Argentina mostly. But I wasnt supporting them strongly. But after watching them play, I've been most impressed by Argentina: I think they might be my 2nd team. I dont know why I never chose them to start with: usually I choose teams because of reasons beyond football, and Argentina has been one of my biggest passions of the last 4 or 5 months. Ive read all about their economy, politics, history, culture, etc. They got screwed by so many people over the last 20 or 30 years, and my hearts really gone out to them. They have real fighting spirit, the people of that country, and Latin America in general. But I've never been too big a fan of their football team - I guess because they dont tend to make big waves. But Im going to cheer them on this time.

But if it comes to England VS Argentina...well...I'm going to go for Gerrard and Co. :D Its gotta be done. Sorry my Argentinian brothers, its gotta be done.

Posted by illogicist at 1:22 AM


  1. Blogger Samyah posted at 6/19/2006 05:54:00 AM  
    Oh so NOW ure into Argentina! I told you they were good!
  2. Blogger muscati posted at 6/19/2006 06:32:00 AM  
    Why England? Why, man.. why???

    Have they been your team since before you went there to study? Please say yes and don't turn out to be yet another dude who went to study in the UK and came back supporting England in the World Cup. They play like shit. They've always had. Last time they were any good in a World Cup was in 1986 back in Lineker's days. Yeh, back when England used to actually score goals, not just scrap their way through the first round by divine intervention.

    The only fun thing about England in the WC is watching them play in a pub or bar full of Englishmen, and watching how they act as if England's playing well no matter how crap they are.
  3. Blogger illogicist posted at 6/19/2006 12:56:00 PM  
    @sam: yep...they were always brilliant, but I never gave them much attention. There were always other teams..

    @muscati: yeah, im one of those guys :p I was never an england fan, but these last 2 years I've gotten into the premiership, and seen the passion that everyone has for football here...I swear its a way of life. Going to a pub/bar full of drunk englishmen is awesome, I dunno theres something about it...its annoying that half of them are drunk, but you get used to it I guess.

    C'est la passion! (is that phrase even right?)
  4. Blogger NiGhTFaCe posted at 6/20/2006 04:22:00 PM  
    England wont get the chance to face us, because maybe Ecuador will kick them out! :p

    Viva la Argentina :D

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