I found this useful thing which gave all this info about what exactly you get when u eat something from McDonalds. I typed up the calories and fat content on MS Excel, but dont have anywhere to host it, so I took a screenshot. Its...interesting.
Posted by illogicist at 1:38 PM
So according to this, McArabia has the most calories and highest percentage of fat. How ironic. good think i dont like it at all.
My fav thing from Mcds is a Quater Pounder with Cheese which is the next meal with most calories and fat %, but i only have Mcds rarely. Bad experience with food poison 5 years ago that haunts me still.
Wow, so you need one full hour of a cycling class to burn one meal from McDonald's! Interesting, lol.
Well, once a week never kills. :)
Theres so many reason why I dont buy McDonalds, not the least of which is that it just plain tastes bad. With food poisoning, for me its ALWAYS KFC that does that :p
Sorry! But, I cant stop having their beefburger.
Ohh, I feel I want it right now!
Omg, so I have a 1000+ calories when I have one meal of McDonalds because I substitute my drink with a vanila milkshake!
Oh well, I haven't had McDonalds in such a long time!
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