Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Its only halfway thru freshers week but already its been interesting. This year, more than last year, feels like my freshman year. I dont know why...well, I have some ideas. I've been to Monte more this year. Monte is where I lived in the first year. It so happens this year the iftars are being held there. So the whole walk down to Monte, or taking the bus, that I used to do every day in the first year, I've repeated often, something I only did once or twice the whole year last year. Secondly, I'm living 'alone' again (I have a flatmate, just one, but we barely see each other). And thirdly, I went to a movie at the Uni Cinema today - the free movie they show for freshers and international students.

I went to it in my first year. Watched Kill Bill Vol. 2. I didnt go last year though. But I went this year, and its weird, I felt like a fresher again. Especially because of all the people around you who feel the need to fill the silence with anxious conversation. But it was fun, it was fun. I think the biggest aspect is the second one, living alone. Its a weird feeling, sometimes pleasant and liberating, sometimes...well...lonely (duh). But it pretty much characterised my first year. I wont have time to be lonely this year, but maybe the reminder of it was enough to bring back those vivid memories of my freshman year.

Hmm, what else. Today is Bunfight day, where all the societies get together in one big massive hall and try to pull people to join. Its fun, the only hangover is that in the morning you get about 3 billion emails telling you stuff you dont really care about. Oh, because of some computer problems at the Language Center, and the fact that I took so long to register (because of both paperwork, my not studying, and a zillion other things to do), I dont think I'll be able to take spanish courses this year. Bollocks.

Posted by illogicist at 2:54 AM


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