Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Oman FM's Love Affair with Madonna

NP - Anything But Madonna

So....who listens to Oman radio? When I'm driving and I get bored of whatever CD I have in there, I'll sometimes turn on 90.4 FM and see if theres anything interesting on. There usually isnt, but at least it adds some variety to my usual driving music (Variety? Oman FM? What a joke). I kinda miss that guy DJ Face, he was awesome. He was funny as hell, even if he didnt realise it. Just listening to him made me laugh hysterically sometimes.

But okay, to the point. Whats with 90.4FM and Madonna? Everytime I turn on the radio, they play a Madonna song. Seriously - every single time. I'm not kidding, its almost scary. I think one of the DJs must have some secret (or not so secret) Madonna fetish. And I dont listen to the radio that much - maybe 3 times a week, for no more than 20 minutes at a time. So how is it, in that limited time, I ALWAYS hear a Madonna song? And I'm barely exaggerating. Just today, they had a Madonna song, then a non-Madonna song...then ANOTHER MADONNA SONG.

This is just insane, someone should call in and complain. Actually, it should be me who complains, but I cant really be bothered, I'm leaving soon anyway.

Posted by illogicist at 9:44 AM


  1. Blogger Kay posted at 9/05/2006 01:11:00 PM  
    What's the number? i'll call.
  2. Anonymous Anonymous posted at 9/05/2006 02:18:00 PM  
    Oman FM was playing a really nice world/fusion mixxxx last nite.
  3. Blogger Samyah posted at 9/05/2006 08:40:00 PM  
    @ Kay: 24602058
  4. Blogger illogicist posted at 9/06/2006 12:41:00 AM  
    @moh'd: yeah, Oman FM actually do have some pretty cool shows sometimes - that world music thing is cool, but all too often its the same stuff over and over.

    @kay: what'll you tell em?
  5. Blogger Lym posted at 9/06/2006 09:23:00 AM  
    It's funny that you mentioned DJ Face. I met his last week for the first time here in Brisbane. He is studying with me at the university but he's doing his masters.

    I will tell him if we ever cross paths again that he has a fan ;)
  6. Blogger Lym posted at 9/06/2006 09:25:00 AM  
    It's funny that you mentioned DJ Face. I met his last week for the first time here in Brisbane. He is studying with me at the university but he's doing his masters.

    I will tell him if we ever cross paths again that he has a fan ;)
  7. Blogger illogicist posted at 9/06/2006 11:21:00 AM  
    OH no wonder he left the radio, hmm...whats he like, out of curiosity? :p The same as on air??
  8. Blogger Kay posted at 9/07/2006 01:01:00 PM  
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
  9. Blogger Kay posted at 9/07/2006 01:03:00 PM  
    @ Sam Thanks for the number.

    Yesterday at around 6:27 pm i was in my car going somewhere near home so i thought i'd listen to the radio and what do you know it was Madonna playing, i dont know what song, but something lame like "if its bitter in the start, it will be sweet in the end".

    @ illogicist - humm what would i say, humm ask them if they need help in choosing the songs they play cause not everyone listens to madonna and that they are doing a sucky job. something within those lines. anything u want to add? i'll call Saturday.
  10. Blogger illogicist posted at 9/07/2006 02:36:00 PM  
    Ooooh this should be fun :D Last time we called the radio one of my friends did this Arnold Shwartzenegger (sp???) impression, it was awesome..that was like 4 years ago. Wow, times flies.

    Anyway yeah - thats one of the madonna songs I always hear (but not the only one), I wont deny shes got a versatile voice, but jeez...it gets old, you know? Especially from Oman radio.

    Hmmm...tell em to bring back DJ Face!
  11. Blogger Kay posted at 9/08/2006 05:02:00 AM  
    they didnt have caller ID 4 years ago? you think they will now?
  12. Blogger illogicist posted at 9/09/2006 08:25:00 AM  
    Hmm, we didnt think about it 4 years ago, and I didnt really think about it recently either. It doesnt matter - we werent abusive or rude or anything, so its no big deal.

    Did you call? Lemme know what happened, post in the comments of my most recent blog post instead of here.
  13. Blogger NiGhTFaCe posted at 9/10/2006 07:35:00 PM  
    I think I almost stopped listening to Oman English FM 90.4.

    I found beauty in The Coast 105.4.
  14. Anonymous Anonymous posted at 12/09/2006 07:55:00 PM  
    great radio one in a million to hear out there the sound of sands. chem

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