Sunday, June 19, 2005

Amazon Suck

NP - Coldplay - Yellow

A few posts back I talked about my Amazon order, and how smart I was. Bah, should have know better. Things always seem to get ruined.

One of the books went unavailable for another 1-2 weeks. So what do they do? They delay my entire order for 1-2 weeks. Instead of doing the right thing and sending the rest of the order and then this single book later. Oh no, they have to screw it up for all of us. The timing was tight anyway - the order was expected to arrive before I left. NOW, theres no chance I'll get it.

I decided to write them an email. Its so bloody hard to find how to email the bastards. They have 3 million help pages leading to 3 million different links. I think the point is to confuse you so much you just accept whatever they do to your order. Well, NOT ME. I found that email link, and sent them a pretty stern email. The way to do it is drop a hint of a threat, but not a real threat. Something like 'very disappointing. I expected better from such a large company with so many able competitors'. ZING! They don't want you to take your business elsewhere, so they'll try to compensate you.

I hope I'll be able to turn this to my advantage. The books would be heavy in my luggage anyway, and I wouldn't be reading them till I finish my current one. If I can get them to send it to me to Oman - free of charge - because of their terrible blunder, then....I win.


But I don't think thats very likely. Overseas shipping is kinda expensive. Well, we'll see.


Posted by illogicist at 1:47 AM


  1. Blogger illogicist posted at 6/19/2005 05:16:00 AM  
    Yeah, its pretty crap. It did happen to me in the past that I ordered some textbooks that came late. Hopefully this issue will be resolved happily though (see above post)

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