Friday, January 13, 2006

'You Havent Changed'

You go back home in the summer or in the winter, and your family tells you how much you've changed. Then you chill out with your good friends, and you go to the same places, tell the same jokes, and do the same things, and you all laugh about, even though its been 2 or 3 years, none of you have changed.

But you all know that you have changed. In uni, you don't do the same stuff. You're forced to change, even if you dont want to. Its only when you go back you revert to how you were. Because you want to relive those years, with those guys, as best as you can. You have changed, and you know it, but you dont necessarily like it.

Posted by illogicist at 1:15 AM


  1. Blogger Luisa posted at 1/13/2006 06:41:00 AM  
    People have changed and the way they see you also.
    So you really don't know whether you're changed or not and in which way exactly.
    But better not to care too much.
  2. Blogger Lym posted at 1/13/2006 11:29:00 AM  
    I know for a fact that I have changed and I must admit that it is obvious, however , I do agree with you. I noticed that I try to revert the changes , so I could have 'fun' with my friends that way we used to. Though we also try to adapt to the new changes that we have gone thru together.

    A bit of truth in what you way , but it is not as easy as you say, to change back (time) , I mean.
  3. Blogger NiGhTFaCe posted at 1/15/2006 07:04:00 AM  
    I ignore a lot! This is a change on me!

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