The Oman Effect
Zing! The boredom strikes. I'm out with friends I haven't seen in forever, a mini reunion, having a good time, when suddenly the boredom, the unique Omani boredom, strikes. I was doing so well too - a week without that frustrating feeling almost...on a roll. But it has come, and one must live with it.
Posted by illogicist at 11:40 AM
Why I cant find free time?! :S
Shall I send official request or cable of greetings to meet you ?
The Omani boredom comes in phases. I am outta of that phase right now , and having a pretty good time :p
@NF: You work, right? Im here on vacation, with little to do really. But I think theres an atmosphere here - Im starting to love the daytime, like 12-3, and dislike the nights...
@Amo: :P walla this girls gonna kill me! Ba3dain ni7kee :p
@lym: first, I noticed ur name isnt all capitalised - is that on purpose? Ur working with that law firm, right? Prob takes up most of ur time...but yeah I think ur right about the phases. It might also be the weather, strange as that sounds :P I can just sit here in my room with the windows wide open, wind blowing and feel great one minute, and then it'll be hot and stuff and uncomfortable the next. Weird.
Sabla men are shy
Lym if you is here let's party
I work 6 hours only. But, still I cant find time.
The night for now is longer than the day time, so thats why!
Lets party, I will bring my Barbicans :D
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