Tuesday, September 27, 2005

London Eye

Well, I'm back in the UK. Don't know where to start this post. Flights were all delayed, but the Qatar-London flight was amazing. Seats were like first class, choice of movies was brilliant, food I swear to god tasted like something you'd get in an expensive restaurant, even the lighting impressed me. It took half an hour longer than scheduled, but the flight went so well I didnt even feel it.

Scene: London.
Time: perfect.
Weather: Cloudless
Altitude: 1000 feet.

Sensation: breathtaking.

Tower Bridge, Highbury, London Eye, Hyde Park, even that building that looks like a Gherkin. I dunno why we got a tour of London from the air, but we did, and it was absolutely FANTABULOUS! It was really something which I cant describe, and damn is it big. London is absolutely massive, it just stretches out for miles and miles. jeez...something special.

Story of the day:

I was in town doing some apple shopping (buying apples, my main diet, along with tuna fish sandwiches and Quatro Staggioni Orange Carrot and Lemon Juice). Ok so I was in town, and this lady stops us. Shes wearing a shirt that says something on it, I dont remember what, identifying her as a representative of some childrens charity. So she says hello, and my friend Omar says 'sorry, we're in a bit of a hurry'. She speaks with a bit of an accent, an accent I'm very familiar with: Greek. No doubt a student.
So she completely ignores him and asks us 'are you english?' He says yes, and she asks me are you english as well? For some absolutely mad reason, I say "me no english" and pretend I dont understand her. I've never done anything so dumb before, but my friends response was even worse. In a perfect english accent (he lived here his whole life, hes white and looks as english as it gets) he says "no, we're not english, we're greek". At this point I burst out laughing at the sheer stupidity of the situation, catch myself, and say "hahaha, no I meant I'm not english. Hes greek, I'm american." (was hoping my accent would convince her). Apparently it did, because she lit up, and shes like "Oh Americans! But wow so far from home! What are you doing here!"And I say something only someones whos never even HEARD of England can say; the first thing that comes to mind I swear I wasnt trying to be funny: "Oh we're just here to enjoy the weather!"

Posted by illogicist at 11:33 AM


  1. Blogger illogicist posted at 9/28/2005 04:18:00 AM  
    ok this is silly. word ver: ON!
  2. Blogger Kay posted at 9/28/2005 05:01:00 AM  
    great story!
  3. Blogger Noors posted at 9/28/2005 11:24:00 AM  
    haha funny!

    I think I should activate the word verification too :S
  4. Blogger NiGhTFaCe posted at 9/28/2005 02:31:00 PM  
    Z, I dont blame you the day you posted that long topic about Blogger. Your place is haunted!

    I posted something here earlier & I cant see it anymore! DUH! :S

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