Tuesday, February 21, 2006

You Are Beautiful

I go through phases where I either thing people in general are ugly, or people in general are beautiful. Its like, sometimes I just walk around and see all the flaws in people - the bulbous noses, blotchy skin, dry hair, uneven eyes, red ears, hairy cheeks, gangly arms, etc. Other days I'll notice the small things that are nice - shining eyes, lips upturned in a slight smile, messy hair that still looks good, smooth skin, confident stride, etc.

Today I'm somewhere in between I guess. I'm not sure what it depends on, I guess my overall state of mind. Mood, relationships, whether Im arguing with anyone, how much work I have to do, how stressed I am, etc.


Posted by illogicist at 2:28 AM


  1. Blogger Samyah posted at 2/21/2006 05:06:00 AM  
    I don't like the word 'ugly', Tia and I both always say that God created nothing ugly. Maybe not everything is beautiful, but no person should be described as ugly unless its a character reflection onto their surface.

    -I think you're right about the mood thing, when we're happy/relaxed we tend to see more beauty around us and when not we spot all the flaws.
  2. Blogger Lym posted at 2/21/2006 11:31:00 AM  
    A theory which I am just making it up but people seem to have figured out long time ago: How you see people is the way you see yourself. If you are feeling good about yourself then you will see the good in people and vice versa

    I am not a firm believer of that though. When something is beautiful, I think it is whether I am in a good or a bad mood.

  3. Blogger Luisa posted at 2/21/2006 11:32:00 AM  
    think not thing
  4. Blogger illogicist posted at 2/21/2006 01:45:00 PM  
    @sam: well, yeah its probably better not to describe them as ugly, but when Im feeling that, ugly is the word in my mind. Which probably means it is mood related.

    @lym: I dont really think its that reflection of self thing. Maybe partially, but certainly not completely.

    @pq: where?
  5. Blogger NiGhTFaCe posted at 2/21/2006 02:23:00 PM  
    I dont know why for the outside I see & forget, where for the inside, I always keep thinking about.

    I look at the mirror & I dont really like my look, maybe thats why.

    The inside says more, & here where I get confused about my inside :S

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