Worship Me
The sun is shining, the birds are singing. The snail crosses the footpath on its own leisurely pace. The mosquitos are making love like there's no tomorrow, and that mysterious cat is still in the kitchen waiting to be fed.
But I couldn't care less. I have one more exam, then freedom. MY freedom. An this exam is the perfect example of the point I'm attempting to prove: accounting.
Accounting: a man-made science. Pretty much everything about it is artificial. Humans designed profit and loss accounts, balance sheets, rules and regulations, all to impose on ourselves a certain order. Now thats fine, but I'm using accounting as a metaphor of what we've become.
We worship ourselves.
We praise the mind, we praise the contstructs of so-called humanity, we achieve greatness by pushing further and further ahead. New developments, new technologies, higher buildings, more money, better healthcare. But the whole reason behind this is subtly lost, as the sound of car engines drown out the sound of the birds.
I was reading the Da Vinci Code (I wont say its guided my thoughts these past few days, but its certainly caused me to go off on tangents when I should be studying), and it occured to me that we as humans require divinity, we need authority: something to look up to, and worship as it were. Perhaps its human nature, perhaps its something else.
SPOILERS ALERT - if you havent read the book, and are planning to, then there may be spoilers ahead. :)
The Priory of Sion, in the book, essentially protect the secret that Jesus is just a mortal man, who lived, loved and died. He was not the sun of God, and was in no way divine (apart from being a chosen messenger - the book doesnt delve into whether God exists or not, for which I'm grateful). So I liked that - they appear firmly grounded. And then we have Mary Magdelene, his 'partner'. Thats all fine too...but somewhere along the line things get screwed up. Suddenly shes no longer a mortal human woman with a mortal human man, shes the 'Divine Goddess'. Jesus is forgotten. Nevermind that he was the messenger of God, shes the new focus - the feminine side. What does she represent, in her new-found divine glory? The power to give life. Where is God in the equation? God, Jesus, all are forgotten, and instead they celebrate the power of human to give life to human.
Making something divine. We're worshipping ourselves, and our greatness once more. I fail to understand how they made that leap - from saying Jesus is not divine to making his partner the prime object of worship. Maybe I've made a mistake, maybe the dont actually worship her, but the central focus of it all is her - The Divine Goddess.
It seems this reveals 2 aspects of human nature:
1) The need for something to worship
2) The tendency to go to extremes - in rejecting the divinity of Jesus and the Church, they've taken the opposite extreme and found something else to worship.
Or maybe I'm overanalysing and coming to wrong conclusions. In which case, correct me.
NP - Nevermore - Psalm of Lydia
Posted by illogicist at 5:28 AM
"God, Jesus, all are forgotten, and instead they celebrate the power of human to give life to human."
I liked that idea you brought forth about the book. Your whole analysis was great Z, very enlightening.
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