I understand it'll be a little difficult getting them to people. However, what I'll do is if anyone wants me to buy one in their name, I'll buy it. I'll be the one paying of course, and I'll be keeping the armband - or giving it as a gift. But it will be done in ur name. If 10 people tell me to get in in their name, ill get 10. If 20, Ill get 20. If zero...well, I wont get any extra :(
Do your part ;) Im the one paying, and I'm doing it gladly!
Lace wristband.
Silicone wristband.
Posted by illogicist at 3:44 PM
I dont know if I can get names onto them, the plastic ones probably not, but the lace ones, well, u could probably get it done.
Ill get a lace one!
Put me down too.. but don't you dare get me a lace one :p
Thanks PT, its great what you're doing.
count me in. :)
Count me in Zee :)
Only if u link me on ur blog! :p
ok count me in i want the lace one!
that is really nice of you Z
umm...btw all, sorry I couldnt get those wristbands to you :p
thats been preying on my mind recently, because I said I would, but there you. There was so much demand at the time we were limited - each person could only buy 2 where I was, if I remember. Well, its the thought that counts I guess.
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