Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Make Poverty History

Below is an email I got from their mailing list today. Hope you read it and appreciate the mission, even if you cant get involved. Its geared to my uni, so you wont get certain references.

Basically the campaign is the biggest ever movement to try and end world
poverty. It’s a coalition of over 300 charities (everyone from Oxfam to
Save the Children), organisations and religious groups as well as hundreds
of celebrities (from Brad Pitt to Nelson Mandela to Jameilla) who are
getting together to try and put a stop to the extreme poverty in the world
which results in 30,000 children dying every day (that’s the equivalent to
the boxing day tsunami every single week!).

This poverty is man made and so with our power we can stop it.

The campaign DOESN’T want your money, it knows only politicians (or the G8)
can change this, and so just wants your support and five minutes of your
time to save millions of lives.

We have three aims:
Trade Justice (Fair trade not free trade, so poor countries have the
possibility to get out of poverty themselves)

Drop the debt (Debt repayments are crippling economies, and nearly all have
paid off their initial debt, but are now paying off the ridiculous rates of

And More and Better Aid (Aid from rich countries is still under the UN’s
recommendations and is often tied in with conditions and clauses)

2005 is a unique opportunity as the UK holds the EU presidency and is
hosting the G8 summit, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are already doing more
than most (surprising I know), but with your pressure they can do so SO
much more!

What you’re now part of (thank-you) at Southampton is getting as many
students backing this as possible. We have the full support of Any Wilson
(SUSU pres) and have some things planned such as a huge white banner
wrapped round SUSU, talks and video nights as well as urging all of YOU
guys to pressure the governments of the world in different way to change
these unfair rules.

I therefore ask a few things of you, Firstly and most importantly spend just
5 minutes to visit: , it’s a great website with
loads of info, BUT most importantly please sign up to their mailing list as
well (and get emails from everyone from Bob Geldof to Brad Pitt!) and V
IMPORTANT you can email Tony Blair to tell him to change the rules and make
poverty history – do it now!

Secondly please buy a white band – it’s the symbol of the campaign, and I
know bands are now something of a fashion accessory, but these aren’t!
They’re a sign of solidarity and pressure on governments to say we won’t
stand for it any more! They will be available in the SUSU shop for a pound
very shortly – but keep nagging them when you go in and ask them if they
got them yet!

Sounds big, innit. Lets hope it makes a difference. I tried to get my hand on a couple of white bands, but no luck. But I'll be able to get em soon.

I'm taking orders! Anyone who wants a white band, leave a comment, and I'll see if theres a way to get it to you :p

Posted by illogicist at 12:54 AM


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